You know what they say about best laid plans, etc etc...well this past weekend was a case in point. Here was what I thought my weekend was going to go like:
Friday morning--Go to work until 11 AM, then leave for trip to CT to visit parents for weekend.
Friday night through Monday AM--Hang out with parents in CT.
Monday afternoon--Drive back to Maine.
Tuesday morning--Return to work.
Here is what actually happened:
Friday morning--Wake up feeling a little "off". Notice a cough starting up. Go to work anyway. Return home at 11 AM. Start feeling really crappy. It's a cold! Hooray!
Friday afternoon--Call mom to tell her it looks like I won't be coming.
Friday night through Sunday morning--Nurse myself through the nasty cold.
Sunday morning--G. starts coughing. Oh boy, he's sick too! My cold still isn't gone yet either.
Sunday afternoon through Monday evening--Two people nursing themselves through nasty cold. Such a fun way to spend the long weekend.
Tuesday morning--Feeling somewhat recovered and return to work.
Wednesday afternoon--Get a call at work from G. Now he has the stomach flu, too. Ai!
Yeah, not-so-good things happening on this end. It's almost inevitable that I'm going to get the evil stomach flu too...although the mysterious thing is that we have no idea where said stomach flu came from. G last left the house on Saturday, and we really did not have any contact with anyone since then. That seems like a long time for a stomach bug to incubate, but who knows. We also ate all the same foods so I don't think it's food poisoning. I'm thinking maybe I'm some kind of typhoid Mary, ha ha ha.
I actually did finish up my Dale cabled raglan sweater a few weeks ago, but only getting around to posting it now.

Dalegarn Raglan Sweater, pattern #15206 from Dalegarn #152
Dale "Baby Ull" in color #5755, on 2.25 mm needles

Oh, and I still can't get the color to photograph right. This is about the best I could do:

Gonna shuffle my McGlumly self off now, and hope that the vomit bug doesn't attack me next!
Labels: dale raglan sweater