Thursday, April 05, 2007

It Might As Well Be January

We got well over a foot of snow last night and it kept falling most of the day.

There's a car under there somewhere.

Especially annoyed because we didn't even get a snow delay or anything , BOO! :( It's bad when the town's big plow truck gets stuck at the end of your road and you know have to find your way into work somehow. However, it could be worse, like the giant storm back in '04 when they didn't cancel work. This is what the front door of our office looked like later that day:
And after we finally shoveled it out, the view from the inside of the office out onto the porch (that's me!):
Of course all of that snow didn't fall in one storm, it had been piling up over the winter to get the bank that high!

One of my office mates was telling me about a storm five or six years ago that they got 33" of snow on April 17th!

I guess things could always be worse...

Other things I am grumpy about:

* The Red Sox dumping one of their radio announcers, Jerry Trupiano. His broadcasting style was criticized by some, but I liked him and Joe. I liked that they didn't feel the need to fill every second of on-air time with useless blather. I liked their quirky, non-bland style. Now we have Joe alternating games with Glenn Geffner and Dave O'Brien and I don't like either of the new guys! Glenn seems less offensive but apparently he is or was the VP of Communications for the Sox, which makes you wonder if his commentary is going to be a bit, um, biased? Dave O'Brien is just horrible. He is some ESPN talking-head automaton with no personality. I just looked up his Wikipedia entry and I'm even more appalled...he is in favor of those stupid "human interest stories" that they've ruined the Olympics with...BARF! I guess we won't be hearing the "crowd sounds" ever again with a windbag like him on the air!

* For the life of me, I can't seem to get job interviews lately. Unfortunately my field is pretty competitive, especially for state jobs, so I am trying to have some patience. Frustrating, though!

* For some reason my neighbor insists on driving across our water-saturated front lawn and turning it into an ugly mud pit. I can't figure it out because she could just back out of the driveway. Maybe she's afraid of backing up? Oh well, I guess it's a moot point since our plow guy just completely tore up the lawn trying to plow it. Eeek!

Cardigan update: I'm slowly getting it put together. It now has a zipper and sleeves and I'm working on knitting the bottom band. I'm debating what to do for a collar...the neck opening is quite a bit bigger than it was supposed to be and I'm not sure if the cuff-like collar that the pattern calls for is going to work very well with it. I may end up making a normal collar, like a lapel-type one or whatever you call it. We shall see.

Oh well, I guess that concludes this totally negative edition of Lobstah Life. Be happier next time!


At April 05, 2007 3:55 PM, Blogger Elinor said...

Poor lobstah! I do not miss the tax day blizzard aspect of life in northern New England! I hope it melts soon! Good luck on the job front. Are you looking at different states or trying to stay in Maine?

At April 05, 2007 4:37 PM, Blogger Opal said...

Excuse my language, but Holy Crap that's a lot of snow! It's shocking for an island girl like myself to see it all! I really hope it melts soon and evaporates in such a way that it causes the least nuisance possible.

At April 05, 2007 4:51 PM, Blogger tatjana said...

OMG!! That's just crazy! I know, the job hunt is a pain. Don't let it get you down, just remember that you're fabulous and it only a matter of time til the right employer snaps you up :) Good luck!

At April 05, 2007 6:35 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

Oh, I feel your pain!! That is just not right!! Not in April. We got a few flakes today and I thought that was bad!

At April 05, 2007 6:48 PM, Blogger Sheepish Annie said...

I know, right? This weather just brings out the grumpies. My last "happy" post was Saturday when it was sunny and nice and I could drive around with the windows open.

I reeeeeeealllly need some spring here.

Hope things look up soon and I'll be thinking good thoughts for you on the job front.

At April 05, 2007 7:14 PM, Blogger Zonda said...

Oh WOW! I've been checking a few Maine blogs today...this is the sight I see! Yikes!

Good luck on the job front!

At April 05, 2007 11:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the same. I've been trying to get interviews, but no one seems to want me. Bah... It's only for internship though I prefer a paid internship.
Yeah... seriously, I have to wear my winter jacket in April! That's just ridiculous.
Hang on Lobstah. The wheel will turn to good things.

At April 06, 2007 8:18 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

hey there, I was thinking about you yesterday when I heard Maine was getting plummetted (yet again) with snow. You guys must be so sick of it by now! Ugh. At least you get to wear your handknits longer.

I think it's hilarious how passionate you are about the red sox announcers (and sports announcers in general). I guess you have to listen to them for 6 months of the year.

Bummer about the job interviews! Where are you looking?

Hope your day gets better - don't forget, it's Friday!

At April 06, 2007 11:15 AM, Blogger Beth S. said...

Holy moley, that's a lot of snow! The one positive thing I can think of (and it's a stretch) is that you get to wear your handknit woolens a little longer. ;-)

I've been in the same job since 1999 mostly because I can't bear the thought of putting on my suit and going on interviews. Ugh! But I wish you lots and lots of luck. :-)

At April 06, 2007 6:21 PM, Blogger Krista said...

Supposedly we're supposed to to be getting the snow tonight. I hope it's not quite as bad as that!

At April 06, 2007 8:29 PM, Blogger Mary, Mary... said...

You poor thing. Go buy some fresh flowers right this minute! And go Red Sox!

At April 08, 2007 5:36 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

I'd be grumpy with all that snow too! brr!

Time for a quick getaway to Italy ;-)

At April 08, 2007 10:41 PM, Blogger Larjmarj said...

WOW... I thought that our little dusting of snow here in Detroit was insane.
As for your neighbor, time to sprinkle some nice big nails on the muddy spots. Jerk.

At April 09, 2007 5:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes (and yuck!)....I guess I shouldn't complain about the cold and snow flurries we had all weekend. Looking for a job is so hard - but I'll cross my fingers that you get something you love. Stay warm!

At April 10, 2007 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man... I can't believe you still have that much snow! ;( Here, we're almost in summer already with temps way over 20C - I'd so love to send a couple sunrays and warmth over to you!
So sorry to hear about your problems with getting job interviews - it's a nightmare these days! But hey, don't let it get you down - things that take longer will eventually turn out having been worth the wait! Fingers crossed for you!

At April 10, 2007 4:56 AM, Blogger Hasbu said...

Holy cow, that's a lot of snow! We didn't have too much snow but the winter was very cold up here, up to -25F and that's too cold for me! Now the temps are in the 40s and it surely feels like spring to me.


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